Consumer and Marketing Trends for 2024

2024 has already arrived, and the analysis of consumer and marketing trends reveals a constantly evolving landscape shaped by financial concerns, digitization, and a continuous desire for conscious choices. This article highlights the key trends identified by Ipsos, providing valuable insights into the consumption landscape in the coming year, as well as trends that promise to revolutionize how companies engage and conduct business with their customers.

  1. Family Budget and Conscious Choices: With limited purchasing power and prominent financial concerns, consumers are adopting a more conscious approach to their purchasing choices. The search for value has become a priority, with cost-effectiveness being meticulously evaluated in every buying decision. The post-pandemic context reinforces the importance of the "Smart Choices" concept as people seek to optimize their spending. Ipsos research highlights that inflation is directly impacting food, cleaning products, and appliance categories, forcing consumers to consider more affordable options. The ability to offer competitive prices without compromising quality becomes crucial for brands in an environment dominated by conscious choices.

  2. Permanent Digitization and Flexibility: Digitization, emphasized as a permanent trend, continues to redefine the interaction between companies and consumers. The flexibility and convenience offered by digital means allow consumers to access services and products efficiently. Companies are adapting their services for an increasingly digital interaction, recognizing the dominance of this channel in customer communication. In this context, innovation becomes essential for companies seeking to adapt to changes in consumer trends. Digital-oriented strategies are not just a response to current demands but also an anticipation of future consumer expectations.

  3. Indulgence and Nostalgia Consumption: Despite budget constraints, indulgence consumption remains a significant trend. Consumers are willing to allocate part of their budgets for self-reward, seeking products and experiences that provide personal pleasure. This creates opportunities for brands that can offer these moments of indulgence, even in times of economic uncertainty. Nostalgia also continues to play a significant role in purchasing behavior. Brands that incorporate nostalgic elements into their experiences can create emotional connections with consumers. The desire to return to past times is particularly evident in Brazil, where 61% of respondents express this desire, according to the "Ipsos Global Trends 2022" research.

  4. Local and Sustainable Consumption: The movement toward local consumption, initiated during the pandemic, gains even more prominence. In addition to obtaining fresh and healthy products, consumers are aware of the economic benefits of supporting local producers. Buying local products not only reduces waste and pollution but also strengthens community cohesion, creating a direct connection between consumers and producers. This trend extends beyond products to packaging sizes and formats. The search for smaller packaging and concentrated products reflects the desire for precise control over expenses while contributing to waste reduction.

In the context of consumer trends, where purchasing power remains limited, companies face the challenge of offering products and services that reconcile price and quality. The adoption of portfolio strategies, product selection, and innovation becomes imperative to meet a more attentive consumer prone to considering alternatives. In the face of this landscape, marketing emerges with trends capable of transforming the way companies engage and conduct business with their customers. Below, we will highlight the eight main trends shaping the future of marketing.

  1. Generation-Targeted Communication: With generational diversity increasingly present on the internet, companies need to adjust their communication and marketing strategies according to different age groups. Each generation has distinct consumption behaviors, values, histories, and unique preferences. Adopting targeted approaches allows for more effective connections with the target audience, recognizing and addressing the specificities of each group.

  2. Humanization in Communication, Experience, and Customer Journey: Despite the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the trend for 2024 is the humanization of communication and the customer experience. As interactions become more digital, brands seek to create engaging and meaningful experiences. Emphasizing the customer journey, from the first contact to post-purchase, allows for personalization and anticipation of needs, building relationships.

  3. Strategic Data Management: The importance of data management has been discussed for years, but its significance remains undisputed. In the digital era, the ability to collect, analyze, and apply data strategically empowers companies to deeply understand their target audiences. Personalization, driven by detailed insights, plays a central role in marketing campaigns, providing more relevant and impactful experiences to consumers. Furthermore, data analysis not only supports strategic decisions but also enhances operational efficiency, optimizing return on investment and revealing untapped opportunities. However, as data becomes more valuable, ethics and security in managing this information become growing concerns. Therefore, responsible and transparent use of data is essential to build consumer trust and ensure that this trend brings only benefits.

  4. Loyalty Programs as a Strategy: Whether through points or cashback, this strategy not only attracts new customers but also promotes retention, turning occasional customers into enthusiastic brand advocates. By rewarding consumer loyalty, brands encourage repeat business and strengthen emotional ties between consumers and the brand. In addition to fostering loyalty, loyalty programs provide a rich source of data on customer behavior, which can be used to personalize offers, improve the customer experience, and refine marketing strategies.

  5. Artificial Intelligence in Marketing: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undeniably one of the strongest and most innovative marketing trends of recent years. From chatbots providing real-time interactions to advanced algorithms optimizing advertising campaigns, AI offers more relevant and engaging experiences for consumers. In addition to automating processes, AI drives creativity. AI-based content generation tools, such as automatic ad creation and personalized recommendations, empower brands to stay dynamic and agile in an ever-evolving market.

  6. Amplification of Chatbot and Voicebot Usage: Chatbots and voicebots once again emerge as a strong trend, revolutionizing how companies communicate with consumers. With the ability to provide real-time responses, these virtual assistants offer an instant and accessible channel for customers to obtain information, make purchases, or resolve issues. Integrating chatbots and voicebots on websites, apps, or in physical and digital environments provides a more efficient and personalized experience, improving customer satisfaction and reducing wait times. The key to this trend lies in balancing automation with authenticity, ensuring that the interaction maintains a human and personalized experience.

  7. Brand Positioning as a Differentiator: In an information-saturated environment, clearly and persuasively communicating the value proposition to consumers is essential for creating loyalty. Thus, brand positioning plays an increasingly crucial role as a driver of results in any business. The brand's strategy should guide companies in building a distinctive and relevant identity in the market. Although beyond marketing, branding is not limited to external communication or a simple argument with a certain position. This concept permeates all interactions and operations of the company, from product/service design to the customer experience. Therefore, well-defined positioning guides strategic decisions, building consistency that strengthens the brand perception.


If you are seeking insights into consumer behavior and marketing to drive your sustainable strategies, market research is a valuable tool. At ecmetrics, we are committed to assisting you on this journey, offering personalized research solutions to strengthen your sustainable approach. Together, we can build a greener and more prosperous future. Contact us at